POEM: The Night Wind’s Ballad

My new poem “The Night Wind’s Ballad” is available as part of Niteblade #32. Niteblade uses a sort of hybrid sales/free model. You can buy the issue here, but once they have reached a total of $50 for the issue they will unlock the web-based version on their website (which currently only shows incomplete teasers).

“The Night Wind’s Ballad” is a piece I wrote on the plane while flying to Florida for Christmas last year. The title changed a few times before I submitted it. It was originally “A Night Song In Common Meter” and then “The Night Wind’s Lullaby”.

I think I like the lullaby title best, but I wasn’t sure it worked, given the actual theme of the words. It is in common meter, which makes it a “pick a tune and sing along” song, though for best creepy effect, I recommend reading it with “O Little Town of Bethlehem” in your head.

Niteblade has announced they are closing after their next issue. I am very pleased to have been able to make the cut before they vanish into the night.