About The Author

I am, in no particular order, an author, a poet, a thinker, and a trans woman. I was born in Nebraska and lived most of my life there. I now make my home in Maryland.

My Best Known Work

…is something you have probably already seen, and can see again at any time by simply typing “batman superman aladdin” into a Google Image Search. Yes, those are screenshots of a Tumblr post that have since been posted to every social media site on the web, including back to Tumblr. That post has been interpreted and performed by multiple voice artists on multiple sites.

At this point, I doubt that anything else I write will have the same reach or impact as those few lines I impishly added beneath someone else’s artwork years ago. Yet, I am at peace with that. Knowing at this relatively early date exactly what my legacy on this earth will consist of, I can ignore the demands of posterity and focus on the present.

My Most Successful Work

…in terms of money earned and longevity is Tales of MU, a serial story I modeled more after the sprawling ongoing format of web comics than traditional novels. At seven years and counting, the archive consists of millions of words, which is a blessing to some and daunting to others. If you don’t feel like starting at the beginning, the current book/arc is designed to be a good jumping on point.

For those who don’t like reading on the web, you can read most of the first volume in ebook format through the Tales of MU Omnibus series. Find book one of it here.

Other Stuff I Have Written

…includes the short stories collected in The Lands of Passing Through and the short-short fiction up at Fantasy In Miniature. I have spent a lot of my career as a writer experimenting with stories and formats, so there’s other stuff out there that I have written. I just consider these things to be the best, most notable, and most interesting at the moment.

Speculative Poetry

Beginning late in 2014, I began a career as a speculative poet. I was fortunate enough to have my very first effort picked up for publication by the very venue I’d had in mind when I wrote it, almost immediately, and as of the first week of April, 2015, I have three publication credits in this field to my name.

  • “Institutional Memory”, published in Star*Line volume 38.1, January 2015. It has been republished here.
  • The Spoon-Drawer Gnome“, published in Stone Telling issue 13, April 2015.
  • Young Sailor, Sweet Sailor“, published in Devilfish Review issue