The Daily Report
Yesterday had a good start, but a weird finish. I just hit a wall in the afternoon and shut down. Too much bad news, too much danger to people I care about.
That aside, things are still generally looking up. I’m on a much more financially secure footing than I’m used to. I’ve just converted a lot of monthly subscription expenses to annual ones, which is both so much cheaper and so much easier to keep track of.
My first major publishing project, Angels of the Meanwhile, started as something I threw together in a hurry to help a friend in need but it has turned into something incredible, both in terms of the content and the caliber of contributors and the support and attention it’s been garnering. Seriously, this is an awesome book, and… I think I’ve got the bug. I have an idea for a more… sedately paced… anthology I’d like to do once the smoke has settled and the dust has cleared on this, as a commercial project. But that’s getting ahead of things.
Today I had a call for submissions for flash stories about weird plants pointed out to me. I don’t have anything on deck for it yet, but I’ve certainly done my share of flash fiction about dangerous and menacing plants. In fact, just glancing at Fantasy In Miniature to refresh myself on what ideas I’ve already worked over, I’ve realized I have no less than three flash stories about forests menacing mankind. My favorite weird plant story, though, is this one.
The State of the Me
One thing I’ve been doing differently here is trying to get outside of the house more. Since spring first sprang, we’ve been taking a walk around the neighborhood every day that the weather allows. I’ve also been making a point to get out and do things outside the house more often, with people. I think both of these things have been helping a lot.
Plans For Today
I’m going to be focusing on Tales of MU in the afternoon.