STATUS: Thursday, September 24th

The Daily Report

So, last night my first Teespring attempt ended only halfway to the tipping point. I had an inkling when I jumped in that a Catullus joke would be a bit too “niche” to fill a pre-order, but part of doing it was getting over the fear of failure. I feel bad for the people who wanted one… I’ll probably re-do the campaign down the line when I have a better idea of how to promote it, and in particular when I have the money to order one for myself (one step closer to the goal line!)

It was a learning experience, though. I’ve got my second shirt up. It’s still niche, but a much broader niche:


You can get it in on it at The campaign runs through the next three weeks.

The State of the Me

Doing okay. Still feeling a bit of the doldrums.

Plans For Today

Today I plan on posting a chapter of Tales of MU, as part of transitioning towards a Wednesday posting schedule. It’s a bit early to say if it’ll work out. I have some good material, not a lot of momentum.